Friday, July 24, 2009 |
Wheeee.... it's finally sports day! gosh, i have been waiting for this day for ages.. i've got that butterflies in my stomach again (diarhoea to be exact...) even few weeks before sports day, too nervous and exited bout the marching.. 1st day 7.30 am : my first acara - 5000LJK yea, some say i'm nuts to join this event. well, i like it what, though it IS VERY VERY tiring! you should see how i pant and sweat during and after the event. suffered from muscle cramp too. but THANK GOD i didn't pengsan! and i also won a silver medal for rumah cheetah. (YAY, CHEETAHS!!) and I LOVE min jing so much for massaging my legs. She's really a master in massaging. :) 9.30 am : i changed into my St John uniform. Actually, I had another event that time. but my legs were still in pain so i couldnt go for it. hopefully the backup went...So I went on to do stuffs with the St Johns(couldnt remember what I did. Mostly staring blankly at my sore feet I think, while they were fixing their hair. I was worried that I couldnt march well that afternoon.) And Thanks to our 老板, we are known as the kia-su team for getting ready so early. Other marching teams weren't even in their uniform yet, and there we were, all ready to march. Hairsprays, pins, nets were all around the sickroom. It was kinda chaotic when the girls tied their hair and pinned their headgear. But there's MARY to help. I thought that I could open a shop and she could be the hairstylist. LOL. 10.30 am : Footdrill training at carpark. Was very happy that I could still march even though my feet was hurting. I was prepared to have severe muscle aches for the rest of the week. Surprisingly, I thought that we marched quite well during the training. though there were still some imperfect areas for improvement. Maybe because of the pep-talk-crap-talk session. Did those words boost our spirits up? These words: we've trained so hard, this is the time to show our best! kept spinning in my head. 12.45 pm : Raptai (nervous and more...) Again, we showed our kiasuness, we were the first to arrive at the indoor stadium. I was quite blur on how to march out of the stadium to the grandstand. Dunno when to give the command and stuff.. I was totally nervous about the competition. I hugged and held the hands of team members and oh, I was still nervous. Even though it's not the REAL THING yet. Later, I heard from liphin that teachers commented on us. Said our uniform was neat and tidy and the marching was quite good as well. I WAS TOTALLY AMAZED AND SPEECHLESS BY THAT! Suddenly, I have the confidence back in my soul. 1.30 pm : waiting I hate waiting.... We were waiting for the VIPs in that damn freaking hot stadium, and yes, I was getting more nervous every moment. Kept on drinking water, just to satisfy myself.... after the raptai, we thought of ways to improve our marching. Gave final advices, especially on the timing part. We did final checking on uniform, shoe laces. Also did another round of pep-talk session. GB's version: BB 帥不帥? 帥! BB's version : GB 美不美? 美! hmm, bsm was nowhere near us. couldnt do that .. so... and our version : 能不能做到最好? 能!!!!! yay~~ GOSH arrrrr, it was really killing me!! My heart was practically flying out....people, i need your teamwork!! 2.00 pm :THE MOMENT after GB march out, it was our turn. I tried to command as loud as possible, since they always complaint that they hardly hear my voice sometimes. My stomach hurts by pushing so much. -we passed by the grandstand. SQUAD PANDAAAANG KANAN! we held our heads up, as high as we could. and i spotted lots of my friends and also CO people. they were really attractive in the orange tee. sparkling enough. the only people that i didnt see was the VIPs, except for En putit. I know that was weird, maybe because they all look so alike (VIPs have those kind of, well, VIP face) SQUAD PANDAAAANG DEPAN! then we belok into the grassy area and into our spot. phew!! i was relieved. the rest of the time we spent on the grass land listening to speeches and also ikrar and the band performance. THANK GOD no one fainted. The weather was cooling all of a sudden, i LOVE IT! and then........... it was time for the results of the competition. TEMPAT KETIGA KATEGORI BADAN BERUNIFORM............... *drumrolls* ST. JOHN AMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! that was a susprise. It's incredible! It's unbelievable! yes, i was overjoyed and somehow turned speechless. I nudged the dreaming flag bearer to go up the grandstand together. haha.. it was obvious that he was in a shock as well, seeing his blur expression.. I was practically trembling with happiness? when I shook hands with the dunno-whats-the-name-VIP. I kept on smiling in my know, that kind of unexpected joy and happiness, its indescribable! It just felt so great!! XD YAY, ST JOHNs! We did it! Have a treat!!!=P 3.30 pm : happiness was in the air! we marched back to the indoor stadium. *SHOUTS* *SCREAMS* *SHRIEKS* this moment, its so memorable. I felt tears dropping down my face ar... too emotional..... and there were so many smiling faces!! i love this day so so much.... Mary: it's really berbaloi to use so much hairspray and pins and everything! HAHA!! ![]() "senge","songe","sange"people.. LOL ![]() what did the photographer say? 蛋糕?? ![]() **happy faces** ![]() ![]() To YOU-KNOW-WHO who said :"u guys never go for training ler, why can get third?!?!" *OUCH!* our reaction:"apunene larh, we got proof man...." XOXO mishale Labels: St John Ambulance |
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Thursday, July 2, 2009 |
the guys in my class disected this poor fish from ''mini sarawak river''-the longkang.. haha.. they just got addicted after Dr gabriel disected the white mouse i guess.. I thought that it was disgusting though, but these pics seemed cool to me, as if the fish flew and got stuck to the wall! Labels: school |
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