Sunday, May 30, 2010 |
okay, so lately i've been stuck with kpop and korean singers... its like i'm sudddenly so obsessed with them more than american singers(no offense though). so i guess i'm gonna intro a few of my kpop loves here. 1. After School Its a new girl band. I think they're very strong and i love their dances and songs. Its like WOW to me.... so i fell in love with them straightaway. I especially love the rapper Bekah (she's the youngest, omg!) and also the leader Park Kahi. She's a great GREAT GREAT dancer, AHH! their 3rd single BANG! 2. 2NE1 it's a four member group and i love them all! Park Bom, she's cute she's pretty and sings great. Her solo, You And I, i loved it so so so much. CL, the leader and rapper, she has attitude. Minzy, she's funny and she really grooves. And Dara, she has great vocals too. 3. TVXQ! / DBSK To be truthful, i'm not as obsessed with them like the rest of the girl groups alright. Personally i prefer girl groups than guy groups. yeah, i'm weird. but among all the guy bands, i guess i love the most. and my dear friend, she's a REALLY BIG FAN of TVXQ and maybe it kinda influences me too. but seriously this band is worth it. They have their own sense of style, and their music, i just cant resist it. Mirotic.♥ O Jung Ban Hap.♥ Rising sun ♥ Break out♥ Bolero♥ ![]() 4. So Nyu Shi Dae/ Girls Generation Pretty famous among teens here... Consists of 9 girls, yeah they're all pretty! (i suppose all koreans are pretty huh??) (from left to right) sooyoung - ahh! she's really prettyy and. her voice's kinda special to me. its easy to soft voice but very nice, love all her harmonizing parts seohyun - maknae! (the youngest). nice voiece. and she plays the piano too! yoona-a very fine actress too hyoyeon - definitely a great dancer yuri, - shes hot! jessica - great vocals too sunny - i looove her voice! very sweet... taeyeon- great vocals, very powerful.. so that's pretty much about the kpop singers that i love. Of course there's still the solo singers like Son DamBi, Baek Ji Young... they are all great. yeah, i love them all! ♥♥ ♥ Labels: kpop |
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Saturday, February 20, 2010 |
IT's NEW YEAR! woots.. well.. though one week has already passed by... yes, very fast... times flies during the holidays.... tonight, i had a TIGERIFIC night! okay, so i was at this dinner (well it was free so i simply attended :P) - with Dong Fang and other chinese orchestras... food? it wasn't too bad... han ming had two full servings... i wonder how he managed to finish it.. his plate was like a mountain full of food (meats only in fact).... and why isi it so tigerific? not about the food (normally i'll be eating like the most but nahh, not tonight - was kinda full)... but about the angpao i received. 50 ringgit cash! (yeah, OHMIGOD!).. and also my lucky draw prize - some sort of speaker(dunno how to describe it)! yay, my luck is coming back....haha.. was thinking of renovating my house and make some room for a studio.... lol.... my dream house~ tigerific much? both times i went up to receive the prizes, i was like, "HUH? ME?! can't be..." well, most probably coz they called my chinese name, and it has been so long since i hear people calling me that name, so yeah.... for that instant moment, i couldnt even remember my chinese name..... oh yeah, i met a lot of 三姑六婆 in the toilet. i wonder how they can spend their time in the toilet for so so long, and the toilet is like so ewww.......(a lot of perfume smell)... and there was this bunch of kids, twins in fact, they were so soooooooo cute!! i dont even know them and they kept on saying goodbye to us and even blew kisses non stop until they left .... (kids nowadays......ahhh! lovely arent they~~) Labels: random |
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010 |
new year new resolution?? sigh..... i'm still lazy, lagging off at everything..... Labels: random |
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Monday, December 21, 2009 |
i was bored and took out some old school magazines and flipped through the pages.... thinking way back into the year 2006... i was still in form 1 then. was still kinda quiet and shy . well i needed time to adapt to the new faces around me... (i cant remember much) in2007, boom! suddenly i went all busy. spent most of my school days looking for thousands ofexcuses to skip class legally *winks*. well me and a bunch of friends were up for a sketch so youknow, we spent our time "practising". yea but it was fun though... also joined more clubs and became more active........ 2008, hah! PMR! but it didnt really bother me until half a year went by...... before that i was still laid back, and guess what, the sketch reprises. we had another chance to present the sktch. but we decided to make a film out of it. yeah i still have it, and it always humours me everytime i watch it...... xD i also joined the choir competitions,and not to forget that i got involved with CHESS! pitiful huh? i did not know how to play english chess until i was 15. and immediately i joined some grand competition, the sarawak open. i was a noob in chess, absolutely! i couldnt even beat a SMALL KIDDY, say aged 8 to 9? =.= oh, not to forget i spent endless night dreaming that i got eaten up by bishops and knights.... 2009! ok, its a major change. morning session, wear ties, wake up early, more homeworks (mostly still unfinished) . blahhhh......... and i met MISS MIAOMIAO~~ somehow we became close even though i barely knew her. well most probably because she joins every activity that i joined. coincidence much? (i know she would be showing her SENGE smile-according to herself-IF she reads this) became more busy with club activities - choir, CO, st john.... some more when you're holding a post. sigh... in class, hmm... i slept most of the time because i was bored out by the teachers, and i loved sitting right at the centre of the class-nice view! and its alomost the end of 2009 , i felt like - its just the beginning - the first day of that boring orientation week. i would say that this year is like the most relaxing one in my sec school years. somehow we havent grew up from our childhood and still love to have fun with lame stuff(greenians are famous for that)............. i wonder what would next year be like? |
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009 |
this holiday.... lets see.. what have i been up to?
so much even though they sang in chinese.. And also, i wanna say that my Mandarin standard dropped a lot since i didnt take chinese for almost half a year.. Even the simple simple words, ohGosh! (you can ask shirley how i stuggle during the choir practice...) And i'll be attending a st john training camp by he end of this month... A VERY MINI MINI CAMP! come on lah, people, why dont wanna join..... Labels: random |
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 |
Just another outing with friends today... steamboat+bbq this time... Oh, we went to Hollywood Cafe(according to the 'organiser', its opposite Boulevard -- well its hidden up by trees tho lighted up with colorful bulbs) Yeah, it was fun, you know its always fun with friends around....♥ ♥ ♥ Okay, i admitted i didnt eat that much, well, somehow i wasnt very hungry... all i ate was meat meat meat fishball and somekind of curly stuff.... and i just realised that JANICE is a SEAFOOD FREAK! should see the amount of crabs prawns and oysters that she grabbed.... O-M-G we cried! then it was time for shopping! ok, it was kinda scary walking along the street at night... you know, under the trees some more, wind gushing by, cars and motorcycles swooshed by... i can still feel the coldness.... i almost wanted to hold shirley's hand TIGHTLY--- i'm scared :S stepped into boulevard, and guess what? we met Zheng Yang! haha... well we all didnt expect that... and the rest of time i wasted my time looking for something for Mom. and i couldn't decide over a handbag for her or a simple necklace. i chose the necklace at last, since she doesnt really have one. and also i couldnt decide whether to buy a party bag or not! it was like LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.... i loved it immediately i saw it. but. $$ problem..... sigh, sigh, sigh.... same goes to Shir.. i know i would regret not buying it. but yeah i'll also regret buying it..... oh well... i kinda miss it now :J Labels: random |
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Saturday, October 31, 2009 |
生气, 就是拿别人的过错 来处罚自己。 一个人的快乐, 不是因为他拥有得多, 而是因为他计较得少。 静坐常恩己过, 闲谈默论人非。 Labels: random |
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